Police are investigating an early morning collision that occurred on Centre Street, Rockdale, involving a car and a motorcycle at approximately 2:50 AM. The accident resulted in critical injuries to one individual who was subsequently transported to Southland Hospital. The road was still closed at 10am for further investigation by the Serious Crash Unit.

According to a spokesperson from St John, emergency services were alerted to the incident at 2:46 AM. “Our crews responded with one ambulance and one rapid response unit, assessed, and treated one patient who was then transported to the hospital in a critical condition,” the spokesperson stated.
The incident has drawn significant attention on social media, with community members speculating about the details of the crash. A message to the whatoninvers.nz’s Facebook page read, “What happened down Centre Street this morning? There’s a yellow dirt bike in pieces and a white car passenger side smashed in?” Another message added, “That dirt bike was screaming around our area all night last night.”
This accident comes just days after Acting Senior Sergeant Blair Shirley of the Southland Road Policing urged the public to address the escalating issue of boy racer activities. “We need the community’s help to tackle this increasing problem,” Shirley stated following a late-night event involving around 50 vehicles at the intersection of State Highway 1 and Mill Road North.
Community and Police Unite Against Boy Racer Menace in Southland
Car Crash Rockdale Road, Car On Its Side