Southland’s family friendly two day automotive event was a success over the weekend, with at least 2500 people attending the Hard Park Takeover Festival.

Organiser Troyden Findlay said even the weather didn’t deter people from coming, however it did make for some interesting moments.
“Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help with tents and marquees and gazebos in the wind,” he said.
Beginning on Saturday, the event saw the return of the HPTO Show and Shine, and special guests the Freestyle FMX motorcycle riders from Auckland.
“The atmosphere was incredible.”
Sunday’s inaugural track day went well from 9am to 2pm and then the thunderstorm came and put an end to it.

“There were a lot of passengers out there and plenty of smiles on people’s faces.”
Troyden reckons they blew through at least 40 sets of tyres that he supplied, and a further 60 that competitors brought with them.
The HPTO Fest was all about bringing that car culture back into Southland, and opening up the track at Teretonga to those who might never have been on a track before.

A total of 170 drivers and their vehicles attended the event, and organisers are already looking forward to the next one in 2024. founder said, we have been a media partner and sponsor from the first HPTO and its great to see the event evolve and grow into a action packed two day motorsport event.