Methane is an irrelevant Greenhouse Gas.Dr Tom Sheahens NZ speaking tour invercargill Meeting.

How responsible is methane and nitrous oxide for global warming? Come to a public meeting on Monday at the Ascot Park in Invercargill to find out.

Groundswell NZ is bringing Dr Tom Sheahan, an American academic and scientist to the south, to share his views on what he calls the ‘irrelevant greenhouse gases.’

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Groundswell NZ co-founder Bryce McKenzie said they asked Beef + Lamb NZ to fund the visit but ended up having to do it privately.

Nothing seems to get in the way of this organisation – their golf ball sales featuring the faces of Labour MPs and the Prime Minister have doubled since gaining national media attention.

Bryce said after being shut down by the organisers of Field days NZ and the Electoral Commission, they have since reproduced twice as many golf balls, and they are being sold on their website.

Groundswell Radio also interviews Dr Sheahan through its host Peter Williams, which can be also found on the website or on Radio Central.

He believes ideological approaches to climate change prevention and environmental protection has seen facts about biogenic methane ignored, and farmers unfairly painted as the destructors of the natural environment.

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