A mysterious Asian woman has been sighted handing out envelopes containing USB keys in the cities of Christchurch, Dunedin, and now Invercargill. Each envelope bears a cryptic message that reads: “Please protect your country and its people (important). Taxpayers and university students should know the truth, as it can help protect your families and ensure your safety. Please do not pass this to Chinese individuals.”
The woman distributing these USB keys has been described as an Asian lady, clad in garments that effectively obscure her identity. She has been spotted walking around the cities with a suitcase, systematically handing out envelopes to local businesses and passersby.
The founder of local news website whatsoninvers.nz Mike Sanford encountered the woman in the city center of Invercargill. When shown a photo that had been sent to us of the woman and asked, “Is this you?”, she acknowledged that it was, and repeated pretty much what was on the envelope.
While the content within the USB keys remains unknown, computer security experts are advising the public to exercise caution. A local computer expert warned about the potential risks associated with using unknown USB drives.

“Plugging these USB keys into your computer could be dangerous. There’s no telling what might be on them – from malware to viruses,” he stated, strongly advising against using the USB keys. He further recommended that recipients should report the matter to the authorities.
The cryptic message on the envelopes, particularly the request not to pass the USB keys to Chinese individuals, adds an additional layer of mystery and concern to this unfolding situation.
This is a developing story and will be updated as more information becomes available. We have given the USB to a local computer expert to analyse.