Update: 8:25am Power has been cut to the East Gore flooding area and will soon be cut to the other areas identified as evacuation zones in Gore. Please continue to follow all evacuation instructions.

UPDATE: Evacuation advice for MATAURA residents

People in the following streets in Mataura should be evacuating now.

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The streets are:

Mataura Terrace, River Street, Hull Street, Oakland Street, Eden Street, Dover Street, Main Street, Bridge Street, Blampied Street, Durham Street, Cardigan Bay Road, Albion Street, Carlyle Street, Asquith Street, Woodhaugh Court, McQueen Avenue, Kana Street, Carteret Street, Hope Street, Riverhead Lane, sections of the Gore-Mataura Highway, Argyle Street, Burns Street, Bangor Street, Ely Street, Stuart Street, Ingram Place, Lodge Street, Old Coach Road, Exeter Lane, Dacre Street, Pioneer Highway, Dorset Street, Nuffield Street, McBride Road, Glendhu Road, Bristol Street, McConnell Street and Scott Street.

  • Ensure you have essential items in your grab bag – important documents, essential medications and clothing.
  • Have your pets in a cage or on a leash. Make sure you have food for them.
  • If you have friends and family you can go to, please go there. For those needing somewhere to stay, please go to Edendale’s Presbyterian Church and the Christian Activity Centre.
  • Buses are leaving from the Mataura community centre and the Mataura Presbyterian Church for the Edendale community hubs at 8.30am and 9am.
    Check out our website for further detail on evacuation areas https://civildefencesouthland.govt.nz/

The Mataura River is continuing to rise and Emergency Management Southland require people in the low lying areas of Gore and Mataura to EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY.

Residents of Wyndham and Riversdale are being asked to prepare to evacuate, if required.

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A map outlining the evacuation areas of Gore and Mataura is available on www.facebook.com/cdsouthland and www.civildefencesouthland.govt.nz

People should go and stay with friends and family on higher ground. Before leaving, check on neighbours and share this information if doing so won’t delay you. Call 111 if you are in danger.

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If you don’t have a place to go, please evacuate to either the Calvin Community Hub on Robertson Street, or the Croydon Lodge.

In Mataura, transport will be available from the Presbyterian Church to the Edendale Presbyterian Church and the Christian Activity Centre.

Mataura River going through Gore. photo: High Country Helicopters

Take a grab bag with you containing medication, clothing and personal items including documents.

If you are evacuating with pet, ensure they are contained on a leash or in a cage and that you have food for them.

Stay away from flooded areas until Civil Defence gives the all clear. Do not drive or walk through flood waters. The water may have washed away parts of the road and may contain debris. Tread all flood water as contaminated and unsafe.

This release has been issued by Louise Pagan, Duty Public Information Manager on the authority of the Southland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller Angus McKay. Website: www.cdsouthland.nz



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