Tuesday 4 February 2020
This notice has been authorised by Emergency Management Gore controller Ian Davidson- Watts
Modelling for the Mataura River shows that it may peak at 2400cubic metres per second at around noon tomorrow (Wednesday). This is just within the design specifications of the Gore stop banks and is higher than the flood levels in 1999.

We will have a better indication about whether the modelling is correct for Gore later tonight when the river peaks at Pyramid Bridge.

People and business owners in the yellow priority 3 area, and Mataura residents, also need to be prepared.
Key things people need to do:
- Please get essentials prepared, for yourself as well as your pets.
- If you need to evacuate, Council staff and emergency services will go door to door to advise you as soon as possible.
- Please check on your neighbours and make sure they are aware what is happening.
- If you have elderly neighbours, they may require assistance with preparing.
- Secure any potential hazards that may be outside – outdoor furniture, rubbish bins, garden equipment.
- Ensure you have essential items in your grab bag – important documents, essential medications and clothing.
- Have the necessary equipment for your pets ready too – leash, cage, food.
- Confine your pets now, if they feel threatened they may hide and make it difficult for you to find them when you need to leave.
- If you have friends and family you can go to, please make arrangements early.
- For those needing somewhere to stay, we have set up welfare centres at the Calvin Community Church, in Robertson Street, and the Croydon Lodge for those on the west side of Gore; and the East Gore Arts Centre (old Presbyterian Church), in Rock.
- As a precaution, we are telling people in East Gore (as shown by the orange Priority 2 area on the map attached) to be ready to evacuate at short notice if the modelling shows the river level goes higher than expected.
Street, and the Longford Function Centre for people living in East Gore. Apart from the Calvin Church, the other three will only open in the event of an evacuation. - All schools in the Gore District are closed tomorrow.
- Please listen to Hokonui Radio and CaveFM, as well as following the Council’s Facebook page to keep up to date with information