If you had the chance to name a brand-new CBD redevelopment filled with shops, eateries, outdoor areas and much more, what would you call it?

For those out there who have an answer, HWCP wants to hear from you.

After unveiling its plans for the new Invercargill inner-city CBD redevelopment, HWCP has seen a flurry of online activity with people excited about the upgrade and the opportunities it brings.

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Artists impression of new development on Tay Street.

HWCP are now calling on all members of the public to have their say; what do they want to see included?

At the helm of this feedback campaign is the competition to name the new precinct.

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Announced by HWCP director Scott O’Donnell at the unveiling of the redevelopment’s plans on June 18, the competition is now open for all people to submit their suggestions.

After receiving entries, the suggestions will be narrowed to a top five with the winner being selected by the HWCP directors.

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“There’s no such thing as bad suggestions – we’d love to see what people can come up with and the connections and meanings people place in their names,” O’Donnell said.

“We’ve seen a lot of great suggestions online and we’d like to take this a step further by opening up a competition for people to name the redevelopment.”

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A special entry for school pupils will also be available, to encourage classes to come up with an original idea and submit it to the competition. One spot in the top five is guaranteed for a school entry, with that selected school winning $4000 in technology prizes.

If the final winner from the top five is anyone other than the school entry, the winner will receive an iPad and a UE Boom speaker.

“We want everyone to be a part of the process because it’s really important to us as a company that the Invercargill community is a huge part of this,” O’Donnell said.

“This CBD upgrade is a big deal for the people of Invercargill so it’s important that they are a big part of the process.”

Artists impression of new development on Esk Street.

Other than needing to explain why the entrant had put forward their particular suggestion, O’Donnell said there were no limitations on what people could enter and HWCP was looking for something that would be instantly recognisable, tied into the precinct’s experience and wasn’t too long.

He also confirmed that naming rights for the redevelopment would not be given to the project’s largest investor.

The winning name will be displayed on the Esk Street and Tay Street facades, at the entrance to the retail part of the precinct (in the current architectural renderings, this is where “INV CENTRAL” is displayed).

Entries for the competition can be submitted:

online at hwcp.nz/your-city-your-say using the entry form
or in person by dropping in to the HWCP Pop-Up shop on the corner of Esk Street and Cambridge Place Arcade.
Entries close on August 31.

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