Young Enterprise Team Changing The Face of Reusable Bags
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Menzies College students are creating recycled bags from the packaging of stockfeed, emblazoned with the faces of happy cows and sheep from well-known farming brands.
Ahna Norman, Latasha Reriti and Renee McLellan of Menzies College founded All Round Bags as part of this year’s Young Enterprise Scheme. The three girls come from local farms and wanted to find an alternative to how stockfeed packaging is currently being disposed of.
“Creating something unique out of these waste products is a way to give the stockfeed bags a second life.” CEO, Ahna Norman says. “Not only are we reusing the plastic, but we’re preventing further harm to the environment by making sure the empty stock bags are no longer burned or dumped.”
All Round Bags help in the nationwide shift from disposable bags to reusable options, and both farmers and stock feed suppliers are positive about the initiative.
All Round Bags are perfect for the beach, swimming lessons or grocery shopping and are resilient, waterproof. The feed bags are cleaned and cut to size, and then handsewn by Production Manager, Latasha Reriti.
The stock feed branding and faces of farm animals make the bags, “quite unique and iconic to Southland,” Reriti says, “and everyone loves animals.” Triple folded handles also mean the bags are durable and sturdy enough to hold up to 10kgs – or “eight chunky math’s books,” she adds.
The team’s Young Enterprise Studies teacher, Lincoln Joyce is proud of the way the girls have developed their company and product. “From small beginnings the girls clearly identified a gap in the market, and made something so simple, yet innovative.” It’s the sustainability of the product that stands out for Joyce, “they are reviving a product that could otherwise have gone to landfill. These girls deserve every success for such a great idea.”
Chief Activator of COIN South, Louise Evans, is a mentor to the Young Enterprise Team and says the idea fits into the current trend for taking unused or surplus resources and reimagining them for added value and sustainability. “The idea is deceptively simple,” Evans says. “They’re actually quite beautiful and would make a unique Southland souvenir.”
If you are interested in purchasing an All Round Bag for $5, you can find Ahna, Latasha and Renee at the Invercargill Farmers Market on Forth Street this Sunday 8th.