If you would like your lost loved one’s death / funeral notice listed here, contact your funeral director for more information about this free service, email your funeral notices, in memoriam and acknowledgements to notices@invers.nz

Your funeral director can also assist with the notice writing process, as well as other helpful services and advice during your time of need.

Funeral Notices are published daily at 6:40am Monday to Saturday a free community service provided by whatsoninvers.nz and whatsonsouthland.nz

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KAHUROA, Jasmine Kimberley Anita:
It is with deep regret Raymond, Kim, Jaden, Aaron, Karim, Jesse, and Annika would like to inform the whanau throughout the motu, the passing of our loved daughter and sister on Friday 30 December 2022. A funeral service to celebrate Jasmine’s life will be held in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 205 North Road, Invercargill on Saturday, 7 January 2023 at 10:30am. Interment to follow at the Eastern Cemetery. Messages to “The Kahuroa Family, c/- PO Box 1345, Invercargill 9840.
Arohanui Ki a Koutou Katoa

MCLAUCHLAN, Averil Susan (nee Knight):
On 3 January 2023, peacefully at Rowena Jackson aged 87 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Struan. Dearly loved and cherished mother and mother in law of Judith and Gary Paul (Australia), Susan and Rob TE Whero (Tauranga) and Wendy and Peter Johnston (Winton), and the late Allan (Jelly). Loved great friend of Anita and Simon Fraser (Riverton). Loved sister and sister in law of Benny* and Shirley, Pete*, Dave and Angela, Jacky and Sandy, and Winton*. Dearly loved Nanny, Nanna, Tuss and Nanny Grandma of her grandchildren and great grandchildren.
A service for Averil will be held in J Fraser and Sons Chapel, corner Esk and Doon Streets Invercargill on Monday 9th January at 1.00pm followed by burial at Riverton cemetery at 4.00pm. Messages to 6 John Street, Winton 9720 or to Averil’s tribute page at frasersfunerals.co.nz/tributes where there will be a link to the livestream of the service.

In Memoriam

MOSS, Shirley:
Days will pass and turn into years,
But we will always remember you with silent tears.
Miss you Mum
– Allison, Pam and families

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Avenal Park Funeral Frasers Funeral
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