Trampoline Park Burglars Steal Cash Register
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A group of four teenager boys broke into Jump n Fun Trampoline Park in Invercargill on Saturday night – taking hundreds of dollars in coins and the cash register as well.
Owner/operator Cameron O’Donnell said he was alerted to the smash and grab by security after the four intruders set off alarms in the building.
The youths broke in through the fire exit door before making off with the cash register, as well as a separate bag of cash.
Police are currently looking at the security camera footage, which detailed the teenagers, who appear to be aged between 16 and 20.
“We found the cash register abandoned and smashed up across the road,” Cameron said.
In an interesting twist of fate, Cameron was sitting outside the Salvation Army in town on Monday, when one of the offenders – wearing the same clothing, walked past him in the street.
“It was the exact same thing he was wearing on the night. You could tell by the way he was walking and his mannerisms that it was the same kid.”
On a more positive note, Jump n Fun is currently in the process of building a new Laser Tag arena at the complex, which should be up and running in the next few months.