The Cone of Silence. Once a gimmick on Get Smart has been revived and appears to be working a treat here in Invers.

Here’s two or three examples where the C of S has been used to great effect lately

Firstly the massive breakdown on the City Council, you know the one which cost Darren Ludlow his position as deputy mayor.

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Many questions are still flying around about that but the threats of legal action seems to be preventing the truth to emerge.

A block away there was the strange decision at The Community Trust of Southland whereby it the CTOS trustees voted to jettison CEO John Prendergast.

Since then there have been accusations of a toxic culture which were strenuously denied. But what went on behind the scenes and between the lines of the media releases and subsequent “no comment’s”. Well, that’s the mystery.

Now it’s revealed today that some sort of commissioner has been parachuted into St Joseph’s School here in Invers. to sort out some “employment issues”. At least we got that much, but whose employment and the issues involved, there’s the mystery.

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But what’s that old saying? The truth will out!


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