Tonight’s political poll puts Labour on 46 percent and National on 31 percent with just one day until election day. Both are down 1 percent.

Behind is ACT on 8 percent and the Green Party on 8 percent, up two.

New Zealand First is up on 3 percent.

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It would mean Labour would get 59 seats, 40 for National, 11 for the greens and 10 for ACT.

In the preferred prime minister stakes, Jacinda Ardern is on 55 percent and Judith Collins is on 20 percent.

The previous political poll – published by 1 News Colmar Brunton on 8 October – had support for Labour steady on 47 percent, National on 32, ACT on 8, the Greens on 6 and NZ First on 2

More than 1.5 million people have already cast their ballot – but the parties are scrambling to pick up votes before the booths close on Saturday night. The results come immediately before tonight’s final TVNZ Leaders’ Debate between Ardern and National leader Judith Collins.

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Party support:
Labour Party: 46% (down 1%)
National Party: 31% (down 1%)
ACT: 8% (no change)
Green Party: 8% (up 2%)
New Zealand First: 3% (up 1%)
New Conservative: 2% (up 1%)
The Opportunities Party: 1% (down 1%)
Advance New Zealand: 1% (no change)
Māori party: 1% (up 1%)

Don’t know: 7% (down 1%)
Refused: 8% (up 3%)

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Parliamentary seat entitlement based on poll results:
Labour Party: 59
National Party: 40
Green Party: 11
ACT Party: 10

Collins said: “The only poll that matters is the one on election night. But people have been saying to me, ‘I want to help National, which way should I vote?’ Easy – just two ticks blue.”

She banked on undecided voters giving their vote National. “We just keep going and we keep being positive and we have an absolute chance.”

October 15 – 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton Poll. Source: 1 NEWS

New Zealand first saw a small rise to 3%, while New Conservative went up to 2%.

NZ First leader Winston Peters said there was “a surge on” with the party’s result increasing.

“There’s a whole lot of undecided voters,” he said. “People need insurance so that the stability we’ve had in the last three years, we’ll get for the next three years.”

ACT remained on 8%, with leader David Seymour saying his party was “the best party for holding them all accountable, we’ve been the most principled opposition for the last three years”.

October 15 – 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton Poll. Source: 1 NEWS

In the preferred PM stakes, Ardern is up 5% on 55% today, while Collins has fallen 3% to 20% since last week.

Source: & 1News.Republished by arrangement.

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