Update: We have added below responses from Nobby Clark (in italics) backing up a number of points raised by Peter. The named councillors Kett called out in his opinion piece, ran to Stuff’d and tried to smear him, but never offered any details correcting alleged inaccuracies in his opinion piece. Read Nobby Clarks full response here https://letsgoinvercargill.nz/councillor-kett-raises-some-important-issues
Three years ago, I publicly stated our then Council was in a right, royal mess. Did I ever think it would get worse? It has and it has cost ratepayers millions of dollars.
I have always had a common-sense approach to council matters and I’m not scared to stand up and speak out.
Being in a minority group of councillors, and at times kept in the dark, it has been frustrating and very embarrassing.
Change has to happen. We need six or more new faces around the table and that is up to you.
I respectfully ask for your vote.
You need to vote for candidates with common sense like myself.
I’ve always be opposed to this asset strip. I voted for public consultation on this reform and also joining the breakaway lobby group – but was outvoted on both occasions.
Our council employed a Queenstown based consultant to advise on the Bluff Boat Ramp at a cost of $290,000. The first I knew of this was when it was reported in the media. I contacted our Deputy Mayor and he knew little more than I did but I can tell you I have asked questions, many questions, but at this stage no answers have been forthcoming.
That’s not all. It was reported that this consultant was leading a major project in Taranaki and supposedly working for us at the same time.
Nobby Clark Reply: I was the one that raised this with council and sought and received an independent review.
I am referring to the building that once stood beside the library at 66 Dee Street.
The building internally was in a bad state but the outer shell was AOK.
A well known and respected property manager approached council to purchase this building. He produced plans. Your council voted to demolish this building. Only myself, Nobby Clark and one other councillor opposed demolition.
The final demolition costs still haven’t been disclosed and I have asked on numerous occasions but I am still waiting.
I believe the cost is well over 1 million dollars and that amount would have reduced your rates by 2%. A really dumb decision by your elected members. You know who they are.
Nobby Clark Reply: 66 Dee Street demolition: I was the councillor who negotiated a purchase of this council owned property by an investor, committed to developing the building, thus saving council $1m – but I was outvoted by colleagues with the CE support.
Our council should be fighting this tooth and nail. Why aren’t they?
These councillors voted against investing $15,000 to join the fight. Remember these names, they have all let us down very badly.
- Lesley Soper
- Rebecca Amundsen
- Alex Crackett
- Darren Ludlow
- Marcus Lush
- Lindsay Abbott
Plus, the two Mana Whenua representatives who I honestly believe should not have voting rights.
Our city has one of the best and well serviced and maintained 3 Water systems in the country and we must fight hard to retain them. Our ratepayers should not be subsidising other areas that have sub-standard systems.
It will add up to $3000 annually onto each person’s rates. Also, all householders will have water meters fitted and pay for all water used. We must vigorously fight this.
Nobby Clark Reply: I’ve always be opposed to this asset strip. I voted for public consultation on this reform and also joining the breakaway lobby group – but was outvoted on both occasions.
Around 60% of council’s staff members have left their employment in 2 years, that is approximately 200 people. This is an alarmingly high number. I have spoken to some of my fellow councillors expressing my concerns and the common reply is that we employed Clare Hadley as a Change Manager and that is what is happening. They appear not to care about it.
They appear quite comfortable with the huge loss of staff. To lose 200 valuable and experienced people is wrong. In some cases, their lives and livelihoods have been completely destroyed.
If I am re-elected to council, I will call for a top-level, independent inquiry These people are our people. To lose 200 staff is totally unacceptable.
I can’t bear to think what some of my fellow councillors will come up with and tell you what they have done and achieved in the past three years.
All I can say is our people, our community, are not dumb and not stupid.
One developer pulled 22 million out of the city block project. I have personally spoken to four of these people and they are saying the same thing. “Until changes happen at Council’s Head Office the city will suffer.”
It’s a very sad state of affairs. What message is this sending to the rest of the country and the world.
Our council is definitely not operating as it should. Changes have to happen right from the top to the bottom. Since our previous CEO Richard King retired in 2018 things have gone downhill very fast.
A large number of city residents have made it very clear that the appointment of Mana Whenua representatives should be abolished. These two people are being paid $290 per hour each is wrong.
It’s wrong that they can sit around the council table voting on very important matters and not be answerable to anyone. We are all supposed to be equal in our great country. They should be like everyone else and be elected to office. That is how many people in our community see it.
Nobby Clark Reply: I opposed the appointment of mana whenua reps because it gave the reps decision making votes, sometimes against elected members and seemed to not engage with the wider iwi population.
I support a Maori /iwi voice on recommendatory committees, but not on decision making bodies.
On speaking to local, qualified professional people they say the Museum should never have been closed. With rising costs each year, the museum has been closed it has cost approximately 3 million dollars per annum for associated costs such as materials and construction.
Having been closed for four years that equates to 12 million dollars before anything is started.
Nobby Clark Reply: I have always opposed the closure in 2018 – most of my colleagues supported the closure.
I have debated hard for a speedy resolution, but have been outvoted. I was a sole objector to the Long Term Plan which did not listen to what the community sought on this issue.
Council employed a private investigator to establish who leaked information to the media about former Deputy Mayor, Toni Biddle. I asked the question if we can identify who leaked the information what is the penalty? The reply was a there would be a code of conduct breach/charge.
That comes at another cost. My next question was, what is the penalty? The answer was there is no penalty – just a warning not to do it again. What a waste of money!
The waste of money:
- Museum delays – twelve million dollars
- 66 Dee Street – 1 million dollars plus
- 2 minders appointed at $500,000 plus to teach us on how to be nice to each otherConsultant re the Boat Ramp $290,000
- 2 Thompson reports at tens of thousands of dollars
- 3 code of conduct charges at $30,000 approximately
- Private Investigator – another waste of money
- Council contracted Chris Mene, a professional facilitator, engagement practitioner and trainer, from Mene Solutions Ltd to run three half day sessions on positive changes for councillors. Another great cost.
- On numerous occasions lawyers have been employed
Change has to happen. The majority of our current councillors have got us in a right royal mess.
If you have any thoughts/ideas you want to share with me feel free to contact me at: 03 215 6206 or 027 437 7420.
I am available to come to your workplace, smoko time, retirement village, sports club, church hall or public gathering.
Re Elect Peter Kett to City Council – Getting the job done.
Paid opinion, Authorised by Petter Kett kite@xtra.co.nz