Recent rainfall in Gore has given gardens and lawns a much-needed drink. However, it hasn’t had much impact on the town’s water supply wells.

Level 3 water restrictions remain in place for Gore. This means residents can use a handheld hose between 7.00pm and 9.00pm on alternate days. Unattended hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems are banned.

3 Waters Asset Manager Matt Bayliss said daily water consumption levels for Gore had eased a bit with the cooler weather and rain.
“However, here hasn’t been enough rain to recharge our wells or lift water flow in the Mataura.”

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The Mataura River is presently flowing at approximately 15 cubic metres a second (cumecs) at Gore, which is very low. Normally the river would be at 50cumecs or higher at this time of the year.

Mr Bayliss said level 3 restrictions were likely to remain in place over Christmas/New Year.

“Everyone needs to be conscious about saving water. Simple things like having a shorter shower or turning the tap off when you are brushing your teeth will make a difference.
“We are not saying people can’t water their gardens, we are just asking them to do it at a time when it’s going to be most effective.”

Mr Bayliss said he could appreciate people may feel it is unfair the restrictions do not apply to commercial users. However, some businesses, such as the Ezy Clean car wash, have their own water supply, Mr Bayliss said.

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Southland’s total annual rainfall is now at 79% of usual levels, and some areas of Southland have had as little as 61% of their usual annual rainfall.

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