Opinion and review, note I am also standing for ILT, Mike.
Here are our first ILT poll results, with indication similar to City council & Mayoral polling there looks like a time for change on the ILT board.
With President Alan Dennis stepping down and not re standing its maybe got people thinking its time to see who else is standing to give the board a refresh. I’m now officially in the game at #4, i’ve been joking I see it on the day Paddy, Suzanne, me at #3 and who knows how the rest of the cards will fall after that.
While I’m at it I’d appreciate your vote, Vote MIke for ILT.
Back to the review… Looks like Graham Hawks (Hawksy) a blast from the past is doing well, along with Sheree Carey CEO from Southland Chamber of Commerce taking seat #6 pushing her running mate and current board member Louise Evans off. Current board members Sean Bellew is outside the top six, he only scrapped in last election and Ange Newell is still in the game at #5.
As they say 1. a lot can happen in politics. 2. at the end of the day the only vote or results that count are on the day.
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Here are the results

Here is the