If you would like your lost loved one’s death / funeral notice listed here, contact your funeral director for more information about this free service.
Your funeral director can also assist with the notice writing process, as well as other helpful services and advice during your time of need.
Email your funeral notices, In memoriam and acknowledgements to notices@invers.nz
Funeral Notices are published daily at 6:40am Monday to Saturday a free community service provided by whatsoninvers.nz and whatsonsouthland.nz
BRADLEY: Elspeth, (Myra), (nee Zwies):
Unexpectedly, but peacefully at Southland Hospital on Friday 2nd September 2022. Loved Mother and Mother-in-law of Clive and Sara, and Sonia. A loved Grandma and Great Grandma. As to Myra’s wishes, a private service has been held. Messages to “Bradley Family” PO Box 632, Invercargill or you can go to Myra’s tribute page at mwfunerals.co.nz/s/myra
DRUMMOND, Esta Joan:
It is with heavy hearts that we announce Esta passed away after a very short illness on Sunday. September 4, 2022. Aged 75 years. Much loved wife of the late Wallace. Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Gregory and Debbie, Rebecca and Kelvin McCorkindale, Craig and Hannah. Loved Nana of Harry, William; Rory, Todd; Briar, and Luke. A service to celebrate Esta’s life will be held in the Lumsden Memorial Hall on Saturday, September 10 at 11:00am. Private interment to follow. Messages to 1915 Mossburn- Five Rivers Road, RD 3. Lumsden 9793 or to Esta’s tribute page at frasersfunerals.co.nz/tributes where livestream details are available.
DRUMMOND, Esta Joan (nee Fraser):
Much loved eldest daughter of the late Lawrie and the late Joan Fraser, dearly loved sister and sister-in-law of her siblings, Beverley (Perth), the late Max and Val, Barney and the late Wendy, Trish, Morris and Maree, Gary and Karen, and the late Philip and Jane and a loved and respected auntie of her neices and nephews and their families.
13.01.58 – 10.06.22
We will be celebrating the life of Joanne Etchells. This will take place at Greenpoint Cemetery on Friday September 9, 2022 at 2.00pm. After the service at the gravesite, we will then be heading to Hayz at the Anchorage for refreshments and to share memories with the family. All welcome, Etchells and Ladbrook Families.
STENTON, Neville Keith (Bullbars):
19-12-42 to 25-08-22.
After a short stint in hospital, Neville unexpectedly passed away at his home on Thursday, 25 August 2022. Dearly beloved husband and friend of Raeburn. Loved father and father-in-law of Debbie and Mark, Bryan and Michelle, Ken and Robyne. Loving grandfather of Logan, Kelly, Sarah, Shanae, Kasey, and Lateisha, and his 12 great grandchildren. As per Neville’s wishes, a private service has been held.
His love and laughter will be with us forever.
Messages to 29 Shannon Street, Clifton, Invercargill 9812.
STENTON, Neville Keith:
Passed away on Thursday, 25 August 2022. Beloved son of Bill* and Fey* Stenton. Brother of Valerie* Beadle, Alan, Colin, Julie Cook, and Wendy Posala.
Special memories live on.
WALLACE, Pamela Ferguson (Pam), nee Docherty:
6/3/1936 – 28/8/2022
Then 4 days later with a broken heart.
WALLACE, William John (Willie):
26/2/1936 – 1/9/2022
Pam and Willie’s family with saddened hearts but with relief, wish to advise that on Sunday 28th August 2022 surrounded by her family Pam peacefully passed at Southland Hospital, then on Thursday 1st September 2022 with a broken heart Willie with his family at his side at home took his final breath to be back with Pam.
“The final ending of a true love story”
Loved parents of Stephen and Helen, Kylie-Anne and Russell Newton, Itty (Brent) and Debbie, Biggles (Grant) and Tracy, Callum and Katrina. Amazing grandparents, great grandparents, and great great grandparents to all the kids. As to Pam and Willies wishes a private service has taken place. Messages to “Wallace Family” PO Box 632, Invercargill, or you can go to Pam and Willies Tribute page at: mwfunerals.co.nz/s/pam