Fat Bastard Pies The Best In NZ
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There’s many reasons why people associate the words ‘Fat Bastard’ with pies.
For one, the Invercargill pie shop is fast becoming reknown in New Zealand for making some of the best pastry gems in the country.
Two, there is a well known song about the ‘Fat Bastard’ who ate all the pies, and three, remember the Austin Powers movies with the morbidly obese Scotsman?
And now, the Southern-most humble pie shop is being recognised nationally, featuring this week in the New Zealand Food Series ‘Chasing A Plate.’
The creator behind Fat Bastards pie, James Owen, said he was stoked that the presenters gave him the ‘best pie in NZ’ title, given that there were soo many other pie makers in the country.
“I just think it’s really good that Invercargill and Southland are not missing out on opportunities. We have some iconic things here such as oysters, chocolate and now pies.”
Established in 2016, James and his team make 13 different flavours of pie, with its farmhouse chicken their best seller.
In New Zealand 66 million pies are produced every year and Fat Bastard Pies easily sells 800 a day, making them the old fashioned way, with different seasonings.
“It’s a cheap meal for people nowadays. You can’t get a decent feed anywhere else for the price of a pie, and a lot of elderly people buy them. That’s their main meal for the day.”
The pies are proving so popular the business is in the process of establishing an online pie club – but for now, you have to get off your fat ass and go into the shop to pick one up yourself.