Two women have been arrested following a joint operation between the Dunedin Police Organised Crime Squad and Customs targeting an organised crime group importing methamphetamine into Dunedin and Nelson.

A search warrant was carried out in Dunedin on Thursday 7 December and two women, aged 40 and 28, are facing multiple charges of importation of a class A drug, conspiracy to deal methamphetamine and supply methamphetamine.

Both women have been remanded in custody and due to re-appear in Dunedin District Court on 15 December.

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The group targeted during the operation is believed to have imported between $795, 000 to $1,000,000 worth of methamphetamine into Nelson and Dunedin.

Additional people could be charged.

Detective Senior Sergeant John Fergusson says this level of importation is a major concern as the use of methamphetamine has no positive outcomes.

“This is a particularly nasty drug that not only adversely affects the users, but also causes significant harm to the family and friends of those using the drug.

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There can also be an increase in crime in a community as a result of drug users trying to fund their habit.

Methamphetamine in the community and those dealing the drug are a priority for Police and we will continue to work with a variety of agencies and individuals to encourage those affected by methamphetamine to ask for help – a community response to mitigating the negative impact of this drug is required, there are a number of very good local and national services available to the public to help those using to get drug free,” said Detective Senior Sergeant Fergusson.

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Anyone with information on the manufacture and supply of illicit drugs can report this anonymously by ringing Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

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