Department of Internal Affairs is urging individuals planning international travel to submit their passport applications at least two months in advance. This updated guideline is in response to prolonged processing times spurred by a major overhaul of the passport system and a spike in application n
From Whats on Invers In-Depth Investigation team What’s On Invers has been made aware of a massive infrastructure project that will have it’s beginnings in the south. The project has to be the biggest of its type in New Zealand, possibly the southern hemisphere. The project which will span several y
Associate Energy Minister Shane Jones is currently assessing the potential to bring back the Marsden Point Oil Refinery. This move is part of the government’s broader strategy to guarantee New Zealand’s stable access to fuel. Following the refinery’s shutdown in 2022, this facility was previously cr
“We are very pleased to be able to offer this additional support for New Zealand’s power grid. While we all hope this winter will not put undue stress on the national grid, having up to 70 MW of available electricity will be beneficial if New Zealand’s energy system does come under pressure,” Chris
A new Taxpayers’ Union – Curia poll has revealed that 63% of New Zealanders support inflation adjustment of income tax brackets compared to just 14% who are opposed. There was majority support across every demographic (gender, age, area, economic status, and preferred political party). The Taxpayers
Hey there team. I’ve been mulling this over for a few days, just wondering how much in money and goods and services has been raised, pledged here in Southland for our friends and neighbours particularly in the Hawkes Bay, Tairawhiti region along with Northland and Auckland. We’ve all seen the film c
Jacinda Ardern has announced she will step down as Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party, in an emotional speech where she held back tears, this afternoon. Her resignation will take effect on the appointment of a new Prime Minister, and a caucus vote to elect a new Party Leader will occur in
New Zealanders have said Stop Three Waters, with 68,661 submissions lodged at by 65,091 unique users on the Government’s Water Services Entities Bill by midnight last Friday. Of those 8,634 people indicated they’d like to make an oral submission. Late Friday afternoon, staff from