Some New Zealand cancer patients are going without potentially life-saving treatment because of rising Covid-19 cases in Melbourne. The patients have neuro-endocrine cancers, known as NETs, treatment for which is not available in this country. The patients are deeply worried and urgently awaiting wo
Two years after its inception, the Southern DHB’s National Bowel Screening Programme has already detected 177 cases of bowel cancer across the district. A further 1267 people have had polyps removed, many of which could have developed into cancer over time. “These numbers reflect significant, real-l
District health boards will be slashed and new government health agencies created in a massive overhaul of the health system. The government has released its final Health and Disability System Review which aims to bring the biggest change to the health system since DHBs were created nearly 20 years
The closest ever look at the country’s hospitals reveals many intensive care units, operating theatres and emergency departments are in “poor or very poor” shape.The government is releasing the stocktake of hospital infrastructure today, putting the fix-it bill at $14 billion over the next decade, i
Up to 400 people could die from cancer if hospitals don’t catch up quickly enough after the lockdown, the Cancer Society says. It was basing its analysis on new British research into the impact a three-month delay in cancer diagnosis and treatment there because of the pandemic. The study, by The Ins
Southlanders are invited to attend another free public lecture on one of the most challenging issues in medical ethics by a Southland Surgeon and Associate Professor who wants to involve people in important health debates. The public lecture on Assisted Dying and End of Life Decisions will be held a
The Medical Officer of Health is reminding flood affected Southland residents that it is important they continue to boil their drinking water because of the risk that contamination could lead to illness. This boil water notice applies to residents in Gore and the Otama Water Supply scheme, plus the
Southern DHB is planning in the event of coronavirus cases in the district. The virus, first diagnosed in Wuhan China has been reported in other countries across the world and although there have been no cases identified in New Zealand we need to be prepared,” says Southern DHB Medical Officer of He