Big Plans By Calder Stewart For Awarua Quadrant
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The owners of Calder Stewart have plans to turn the largest area of heavy industrial zoned land in Australasia near Invercargill, into a thriving business hub.
Awarua Quadrant will also generate renewable energy to be used on-site and by the local community.
Calder Stewart Energy will work with building owners to install solar generation on roofs and canopies. The site has also been identified as a major source for wind generation and this is currently being investigated.
Part of the site at Awarua is currently being leased as a dairy farm, and land and delivery manager Mark Johnston said as the development starts to generate employment, the farm will reduce in size.
“Awarua Quadrant is zoned to allow for light and heavy industry, freight depots and land transport facilities. The public can expect warehouses, industrial facilities and freight depots.”
High quality landscaping will be carried out on both the perimeter of the site and throughout the streetscape.
“We are currently working on stormwater management we are reviewing how we will incorporate landscaped stormwater channels and wetlands along with revitalised local streams,” he said.
High quality landscaping will be carried out on both the perimeter of the site and throughout the streetscape.
“We have also earmarked sections which cannot have structures or buildings which provide an opportunity for renewable energy generation.”
The owners are most excited about unlocking the land for Southland to both bring new industry to the area and allow existing businesses to grow.
“The entire development area is already zoned heavy industrial by the Invercargill City Council. Therefore, the land offers occupiers certainty around time and cost without needing to go down the riskier private plan change process,” Mark said.
An intergenerational investment by the Stewart family, the Awarua Quadrant aims to foster economic growth and opportunities in the Southland region.
The website says the company strives to be a catalyst for growth in diverse sectors, including primary industry, technology, aquaculture, and renewable energy, all while integrating community spaces and preserving the environment.