Today we are talking with local business owner Graeme Lewis about the refresh of the exterior of their store. For some people, the new paint scheme might bring back a lot of memories.

“We thought it was time for a refresh and the change back to red will bring back memories for a lot of our customers remembering our smaller red store in Spey Street,” Graeme says.

Greame and the team. Photo:

“The pet store has been in Spey Street for over 25 years now and started its life as Four Paws, so we have a long history with selling Pet Food and offering nutritional advice.”

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About seven years ago, the team outgrew its small store and knew it was time for a change.

“We knew we needed to provide our customers with a more professional shopping environment that matched the quality of the products and service we were providing, so we changed our colours and moved into our current location on the corner of Deveron and Spey Streets,” Graeme says.

The move allowed them to expand their range and offer even more great products and deals. Those same great products and deals still remain but from a far more vibrant store.

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The new paint job has already caught the attention of our regular customers as they say we can’t miss you.

An earlier decision by Graeme was to accept the invitation from Independent pet group, Indepet they asked to become a member. Graeme could not be happier with their decision to join.

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“Joining Indepet has been great. Indepet members are all independently owned pet stores like ourselves, but we can come together to talk to our suppliers about better products and pricing and being able to offer regular deals and everyday low pricing for our customers.”

“Being part of a group means a locally owned store can be more than competitive with the overseas owned corporate stores and still provide the best in local knowledge and service,” Graeme says.

The next time you require pet food and accessories, call in and see Graeme and the team in the bright red pet store, cnr Deveron and Spey Streets – your locally owned pet food specialist.

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