90 Seconds+

🕒 “90 Seconds+ with Invercargill Mayor Nobby Clark” 🕒 Today we chat about: 🚧 Wachner Place is set for a transformation for tour buses and hotel guests. 🚌🏨 🌃 Don Street’s becoming the city’s night-time gem with another food market tonight (link below to video)🍲✨ 🇳🇿 And with a fresh government, NZ is feeling the positive shift! and Three waters🌟 https://www.facebook.com/gigguideinvercargill/videos/715529220463075
Wachner Place To Get Long Overdue Revamp (updated)
Mike chats to Mrs Mayor.
Mike chats to new Invercargill City Council CEO Michael Day.
Mike chats to Invercargill City Councillor Ian ‘Rangi’ Pottenger.