The numbers from last year’s census have been put through the mincer and we have the final figures.

Before we get in to the detail,  the word census comes from the Latin ‘censere’ which means ‘to assess’, to rate’, ‘to estimate’.

Anyways, here we go.

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Most indicators are pointing up, not by much but an increase is an increase. Southland cracked the 100 thousand mark, actual population 100,143 up 2.7% on the previous census.

Queenstown – Lakes District is still one of the fastest growing regions in the country.

Populations in the three local body regions have increased. Gore District going from 12,396 in the previous census to 12,711 last year, an increase of 2.5%

Southland District region climbed from 30,864 previous census to 31,833 an increase of 3.1%

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The Invercargill City population climbed from 54,204 in 2018 to 55,599 last year, an increase of 2.66%

Other bits and bobs of the Southland population –

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  • 84.1 percent were European
  • 16.8 percent were Māori
  • 3.3 percent were Pacific peoples
  • 7.1 percent were Asian
  • 1.0 percent were Middle Eastern/Latin American/African (MELAA)
  • 1.5 percent were Other ethnicity.

Queenstown – Lakes District is still one of the fastest growing regions in the country but the rate of growth has slowed up somewhat from the previous census.

Nationally we are just a shade short of the team of 5million, the census figure standing at 4,993,923 – up 294,168 (6.3 percent) from the 2018 Census (4,699,755).

In short, if you want to be with the crowds head north, the further north you go, the bigger the crowds.

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