Watch the media conference with government officials and ministers.
The Government is set to announce today whether New Zealand will stay in Alert Level 4, or whether it will drop into a lower alert level.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern starts the conference by remembering the people who have lost a loved one to Covid-19.
- Our tranmission rate is now 0.48, while the average overseas is 2.5 people, she says.
- The effort of our team of 5 million has broken the chain of transmission, Ardern says.
- New Zealand will move out of level four lockdown at 11.59PM on April 27, before moving to level 3 for two weeks.
- This means we are less likely to go into lockdown again, Ardern says.
- Time we now have will be used to prepare on all fronts. Businesses will be allowed to get ready to re-open.
- Schools will reopen for a teacher only day on April 28
- Level 3 will be a “recovery room of sorts”, which will still have restrictions. It does not allow more social activity.
The COVID-19 media conference with officials will start at 4pm today.
When the Prime Minister will tell us what level we stay at or move to.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Director-General of Health
Watch the media conference.
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