Take our poll names are same as they appear on the official voting papers with surname then first name and the order randomised.

The big question voters have is where do candidates stand on Co Governance, to make it easy we have grouped candidates below into two groups, those against and those for Co Governance. Stuff’d/Southland Times asked candidates their stance on Co Governance, you can read more here https://bit.ly/3Oo9SDk

Poll closed results: First By Election Poll Results, Might Be A Three Horse Race


Candidates who do not support Co Governance:

  • Meades, David
  • Murrell, Andrea
  • Reeves, Ian
  • King, Terry
  • Heenan, Carl
  • Fabre, Sebastien
  • Dutt, Asha

Candidates who support Co Governance:

    • Te Maiharoa, Rob
    • Tou-McNaughton, Lisa
    • Broad, Steve
    • Pottinger, David
    • Lewis, Graham
    • Hicks, David
    • Morton, Tom

Below are the Candidate Statements.

FABRE Sebastien
My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. I have lived in Invercargill my whole life and I’m proud to call it my home. Being a member of numerous clubs and groups around Invercargill I am always engaging with our community, and I am ready to bring my ideas and yours to the council table. I want to encourage young people to take an active part in our vibrant community and take advantage of everything Invercargill has to offer. My focus is on making Invercargill a more comfortable, safer and affordable place to live in any way I can. If I were to be elected to the council, I would look at what we can do to stop wasteful, senseless spending. In today’s climate every dollar counts, seeing ratepayers money going a long way in the right direction is crucial and important to me.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. I, Andrea Murrell, come with 20 years of business and community experience. My reason for standing is to keep Invercargill’s thriving momentum moving forward for everyone in our community. I am to be a voice for all women, refugees, immigrants and especially the less privileged because I believe Invercargill is a city for all. I think it’s right about time. My husband and I operate several businesses in Invercargill. For the last 5 years, I have had the pleasure of helping immigrants and former refugees start their working life in Invercargill through these businesses. My latest personal accomplishment has been to study and receive a post graduate diploma from Victoria University in Intercultural Communications. I am a Rotary Member here in Invercargill and a vote for Andrea Murrell is a vote for a positive future.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. I’m a qualified carpenter and lead builder at Chris Romero Building, with nearly a decade’s experience in the industry. As a builder I’m hands on, practical, and get stuff done, which is what Invercargill needs. With my building experience I have good insight into tackling our housing crisis. The current zoning is out of date and driving prices up. More sections means more houses, which means more ratepayers, so we need to unlock land and grow our city. Recent changes to our speeds on our rural roads is frustrating drivers, slowing down our economy, and was done with minimal consultation. For something that affects everyone, more consultation, if not a referendum should have determined these changes. I also want to take action against the growing crime in our city. We need to keep our businesses and community safe, clean up our streets, and make Invercargill a great place to live.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei Tēnei te mihimihi ki a koutou He uri o Kaitahu, Kati Mamoe Waitaha hoki Putting Invercargill First, Your Vote, Your Voice Today I stand before you as a candidate for Invercargill councillor, ready to bring a fresh perspective, dedication, and a genuine commitment to serve our community. Cultural preservation, to celebrate our rich cultural heritage, actively promote multi-cultural events, our arts, to see Aurora Australis. Fiscal responsibility, ensuring transparency, accountability, efficient allocation of resources for the benefit of the community. Sustainable development, prioritize sustainable practices, including environmental conservation, renewable energy adoption to ensure a greener future for Invercargill. Infrastructure and public services, I will focus on keeping our essential services up to date to enhance the quality of life for all Invercargill residents. Your Voice for positive action. Ko Rob Te Maiharoa tōku ingoa Nō reira, Tēna rā tātou Katoa.

FOR TRANSPARENCY, INTEGRITY, COMMUNITY My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. This by-election is an exciting opportunity to build on the momentum of the current council. My background in Arts, Culture and Heritage means I am able to contribute positively to the rebuilding of the Museum and Art Gallery. My vision for the city is where the council has the wellbeing of our community at its’ heart. Measured with fiscal responsibility and meaningful partnerships. With working over 25 years in education and in my current government ministry role, I have worked with people from all walks of life. I have integrity and value transparency. I am a visionary who can successfully develop new ideas. I helped to establish Murihiku Polyfest, Arts Murihiku and Matariki@ Queens Park. I am part of the Southland Primary Schools Athletics Championships committee. My governance experience, includes Chair-Waverley Park SchoolChair-Learning Differences Aotearoa and Chair- Tūturu Charitable Trust. For Transparency, Integrity and Community – vote Lisa Tou-McNaughton 4 ICC.

INDEPENDENT My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. As we are Facing a Serious Housing Crisis, Cost of Living Crisis, High Inflation Rising Interest Rates, Looming Ression, Pensioner Poverty in our Community, Serious Crime in Ramraids, Shoplifting, Car thefts, Burgularies etc. We need a bigger Hospital for our City. People cant afford Rates increases that are on Fixed or Low Incomes and Business cant afford extra costs due to the Economic Environment that we are in. Council will need to work within Budget an not waste Ratepayers Money. Councils need to stop wasting Monday on Consultants. We need more Police for our City. Fix the Serious Traffic problems in South City like Martin St, Elles Road and Janet St with Speed Bumps to slow the traffic down. Get Traffic Lights installed at Elles Road and Tramway Road intersection to allow better traffic flow. Vote Carl 4 Council.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. I have lived in Invercargill for over thirty years, and have a genuine passion and interest to move Invercargill forward. I am a retired police officer and store manager. I am hard working and like being part of a team that creates positive working relationships to ensure the best result. I have an ability to relate to a wide range of people, listening and understanding their concerns. I express ideas clearly and with an open-mind, and am keen to make decisions which benefit this city, its ratepayers and residents. Through my respect for others, I can see all sides of an argument, my inquisitive nature will seek things out so I can contribute to the best outcome. There is no doubt in my mind that good governance and leadership is the foundation of positive results.

KING Terry
RATEPAYER ADVOCATE My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. Being a team player, I am approachable, listen to and respect people’s opinions. With a background in financial services, I have been privileged to serve my community as a Justice of the Peace for many years. Nine years an Invercargill City Councillor including chairperson of major committees. Former national president of Grey Power New Zealand I support the welfare and wellbeing of the older person and people with disabilities. My work with youth has been in sporting, social and justice organisations. Previously a member of the Museum Board I support the urgent rebuild of a facility for all Southlanders. Would also encourage our Council to formally recognize New Zealand’s longest serving Mayor, Sir Tim Shadbolt. With future changes to local government I have the leadership skills to make a positive contribution. A recent member of the Southern District Health Board with extensive Governance experience, I would appreciate your support.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. As Bob Dylan once said, “The times, they are a-changing” and this applies as much today as it did in 1964. The Invercargill City Council faces changes on a variety of fronts and the people on the Council need all the experience and knowledge they can muster. If you are happy with the way things are, you want a celebrity figure or someone with a hidden agenda, then don’t vote for me. I have degrees in Economics and Human Resource Management, years of experience in business, negotiation and facilitation which I would use to help the citizens of Invercargill. The Invercargill City Council needs to work together as a team to ensure Invercargill can thrive as a provincial city and take advantage of the opportunities of the future. I am the candidate that can help achieve this. A vote for me is a vote to get things done.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. I moved to Southland a little over 5 years ago with my wife and family, only planning to be here for a short while, and we fell in love with the place and the people. It very quickly became somewhere that we are proud to call home. I am a cliché, an aging hipster with a passion for food and family. I am a dad who moonlights as a small business owner in the hospitality sector. I wear my heart and my values on my sleeve. I believe in equity and justice for all, and I want to be part of creating a community where everyone has an opportunity to be heard. I have extensive experience managing large and complex projects within councils both in NZ and in the U.K., so I am familiar with the role of governance and the task at hand. Be Rad, Vote Dave!

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. I’m a born and bred Southlander committed to stronger community connection and engagement, clear communication and continued forward momentum from our city council. The first priority of any council must be to engage, and listen. As a trained teacher, local radio announcer and someone with an active community presence, I am committed to using my people skills to hear, and understand the aspirations and concerns of our people. We need a team of councillors who can give voice to our community through considered, clear and bold communication. I’m committed to using my voice wisely around the council table and improving how decisions are communicated back to the community. I am excited about the work our current council has begun and want to bring my positive, collaborative and solution-based approach into council to ensure continued focus, momentum and delivery. It would be a privilege to serve our city.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. Have the powerful ability of connecting with youth in their language (social media) , yet relate to the aged and infirmed with compassion and politeness. Frequently can be seen chatting with strangers on street corners Positivity and harmony are the key messages Invercargill needs. Strong desire to greatly improve service delivery in the city, by being a conduit to do this for all with structures to do this. Council needs fresh faces with can do attitude.

LEWIS Graham
My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. It’s a pleasure to have been regularly involved in the community including the Hospice Southland board (honorary involvement for over 25 years), Bluff committees, South Alive and a term on Grey Power. Past Council commitments include the Southland Regional Heritage trust, Invercargill Public Art Gallery committee, City Centre Heritage steering group, the Regional Skills Leadership group, and chair of Creative Community and Community Wellbeing committees. Contact with many sectors of the population, including through my pharmacy profession, has helped me relate to many of the financial pressures and social demands of the city. Previous membership of the Institute of Directors has been helpful with the Governance needed for Local Government. During the past years on Council I had a high rate of attendance at meetings, including at workshops and public consultations outside normal hours. I respectfully ask for your support and vote at the by-election.

My principal residence is within the Invercargill City Council area. Invercargill is beginning to flourish as, both, a destination and a desirable City in which to live. This by-election is pivotal because it allows voters to send a clear message as to how they expect Council to behave. Council needs to operate in a manner which ensures open communication and accountability to the diverse community in which we live. Whilst I’m committed to working as a team player to promote and develop the growth of Invercargill, I, also, have the resilience to challenge arbitrary actions by other team members. Born and raised in Invercargill, I hold a Law Degree from Otago University. I have served a long apprenticeship of 26 years as First Lady of the City. I have a thorough understanding of the inner workings of Local Government, its processes and its weaknesses. My goal is to grow a City to which our children’s children will want to return.


Disclaimer: This candidate profile sheet has been compiled under the provisions of the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Act provides that an electoral officer is not required to verify or investigate any information included in candidate profile statements and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in such statements.

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