They’ll be coming in their tractors and farm utes to the Town and Country Hui tomorrow, but there will be no placards or protests.

Organised by Federated Farmers and the Southland Chamber of Commerce, the idea was to create a fun community day where people could also learn more about the new freshwater legislation.

Federated Farmers vice-president Bernadette Hunt said she initially fielded some calls from people wanting a full scale protest with placards on farm vehicles, but they decided it was more important to bring town and country together.

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The theme ‘we all live off the land’ related to new Government rules around freshwater and how they would have a massive impact on the whole community, she said.

“The hui will be about showcasing all the good things that we’ve been doing in the community to improve water.”

Bernadette said the event was also not about election campaigning either – so the public could rest assured it was simply an enjoyable family day out.

Everybody has been invited to bring workmates, friends and family along for discussion about the legislation, as well as a community BBQ including live music, and fun for the kids.

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The event runs from 11:30-2pm starting with a panel discussion from midday, featuring some local speakers as well as a mental health and resilience expert.

Federated Farmers said back in August when the new freshwater laws were signed off, they had the potential to create significant unnecessary costs for ratepayers, farmers and entire communities.

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