It’s become a fund-raising phenomenon for breast cancer research, with amazing community support and the backing of some of the country’s premier fashion labels.
Invercargill stylist Mary Witsey attended this week’s Fashion for a Cure event in Dunedin and said Invercargill could be on the radar to host an event next year.
Fashion and health make unlikely partners, but it was the perfect synergy at this week’s Fashion for a Cure fundraising event.
Colour, style, creativity and design combined to create a fashion extravaganza which wowed and delighted the audience of 200, happy in the knowledge that their attendance was making a real difference in the lives of Kiwi women.
Women from across Southland and Otago supported the sold-out Dunedin fashion extravaganza, which raised about $67,000 for research into finding a cure for breast cancer.
And it’s essential work, with 3500 NZ men and women being diagnosed with breast cancer each year – that’s one person, every three hours.

Fifteen of New Zealand’s premier fashion labels, including Trelise Cooper, NomD, Taylor, Moochi, Charmaine Reveley and Kathryn Wilson supported the event, in collaboration with Breast Cancer Cure, showcasing their latest season Autumn/Summer collections on the catwalk.
With the catchphrase “lives lived – not lost,” the organisers talked of a day when women would no longer have to “live in fear of breast cancer.”
Professor Parry Guilford outlined the latest developments in breast cancer research to the audience and said on-going support was crucial.
“Despite survival rates improving, research is still so terribly important, with events like this helping to fund that work.”