Have a look at Pages 74, 75, 76 of the TEC advice on the Government’s mega-merger of vocational training.
Here’s what they say are the inherent likelihood and impact of the reforms:
- Workplace disruption – almost certain to occur and extreme impact
- Participation in vocational education – almost certain to drop and major impact
- Needs of industry and employers – almost certain not to be met and extreme impact
- Needs of regions – almost certain not to be met and extreme impact
- Uncertainty of costs and benefits – almost certain and extreme impact
- New model doesn’t meet desired outcomes – likely to occur and extreme impact.
This is the most damning risk assessment I can recall. They say it is almost certain to fail in every significant area, and even with optimistic mitigation strategies the major failures are still rated likely and with major impact.
Incredible that Cabinet signed this off, if they actually read the advice.
Source: Kiwiblog and whatsoninvers.nz