Southland District Council and the Fiordland Community Board are putting the Luxmore residential and industrial subdivision in Te Anau on the market for sale to developers.

The community board is seeking expressions of interest from developers who can undertake a residential and commercial subdivision on the land. Developers may provide some options for the community board about how any affordable, social or emergency housing in the Te Anau area could occur.

Fiordland Community Board chair Sarah Greaney says “the board is looking for a developer who will take the needs and wishes of the community into consideration.

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“Our aim for some time has been to enable and support the provision of affordable, social and emergency housing. We also want to ensure the industrial sections meet the needs of those who might want to buy them.”

The single parcel of land for sale comprises two plots at 91 Sandy Brown Road, with potential for both residential and commercial growth.

The net sale proceeds of the land will be credited to the Luxmore Development Reserve, for allocation by the Fiordland Community Board.

The property will be marketed and sold by Colliers, with the lead agents Alistair Wood and Doug Reid.

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The release to the market is likely to start on 10 March 2022.

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