Southland District Council has adopted its Annual Report for 2022/2023.

The 2022/2023 Annual Report details performance of the organisation against the key performance targets that were specified in the Long Term Plan 2021-2031.

At $105.5 million, total revenue for 2022/2023 was $16 million higher than budgeted as a result of $14.5 million of assets transferred to Council from developers, additional government grants for projects in Manapouri and Te Anau, and increased forestry income as a result of additional harvesting.

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Total expenditure was $114.3 million, $21.2 million over budget, primarily due to higher depreciation costs resulting from the revaluation of roading and three water assets, additional forestry harvesting costs and an updated landfill provision.

Finance costs were less than expected as Council has not begun its investment and borrowing strategy, which will be started in 2023/2024.

The Annual Report includes information about projects, their completion status and actual cost versus budget.  The projects include those programmed in the 2022/2023 Annual Plan plus any projects carried forward from previous years or any new projects. This project information excludes the roading programme.

Of the 2023 projects, overall, 81 (40%) were completed, 7 (3%) were deleted, 18 (9%) were not started, and 97 (48%) were in progress.

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Of the 58 service performance targets, 45 (78%) were achieved and 13 (22%) were not achieved.

In general, throughout the report there are a variety of reasons why the performance targets were not achieved and these reasons are outlined in more detail in the performance tables within the various activity sections of the annual report.
Deloitte completed the audit and provided an unmodified opinion.

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The Annual Report and accompanying Summary Report can be viewed on SDC’s website here:

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