SDHB is now providing the location of each case down to Territorial Authority (TA level). More specific locations will not be disclosed while case numbers are low in a TA area. This is to protect patient confidentiality.

The numbers by Territorial Authority are as follows: Southern DHB have been released the latest Covid-19 cases for the region. The numbers are Invercargill (9) Southland (2) Gore (1) Clutha (2) Queenstown (31) Central Otago (5) Dunedin (30 + 1 probable) Source: Southern DHB

The total number of Southern cases is now 83. This includes 82 confirmed cases and 1 probable case. One Southern case is in Dunedin Hospital in a designated COVID-19 ward.

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UPDATE: COVID-19 Patient Management

As per our emergency planning response, every individual who comes through a hospital entrance is screened appropriately. This includes being asked a series of questions for COVID-19 and a recording of their details. If visitors are unwell, they are not able to visit.

To ensure the health and safety of our current patients and hospital staff, Southern DHB is not allowing visitors to Dunedin, Southland and Lakes District Hospitals except on compassionate grounds.

Patients who test positive for COVID-19 and require hospitalisation will be managed appropriately as per our organisational planning.

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As always, we are following the national guidelines and encouraging anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19 to contact their regular doctor or call Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453.

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