If you’re travelling through the Central Otago area on SH8 over the summer you may come across this site.

The vehicle pictured was involved in a serious crash in Waitahuna two weeks ago – luckily the occupants managed to walk away without serious consequence, however not everyone is so lucky.

With the permission of the owners, our local Lawrence and Waitahuna Emergency Services decided to display it on the side of the road to get people thinking about their own behaviour in the car and on the road.

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In the Southern District we have had too many fatalities and serious injury crashes on our roads this year.

Not only do these crashes have tragic consequences for the family and friends of those involved, but they also have a huge impact on our emergency services staff and volunteers who attend them.

This time of year in particular is incredibly busy, with the festive season and good weather, many people will be travelling all over the region taking advantage of all our beautiful sights.

Whenever you are in your vehicle:

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  • please be patient
  • travel at speeds which are safe for the conditions
  • be free from impairment and distractions
  • always wear your seatbelt.

Between them, the local Lawrence and Waitahuna Emergency Services have calculated they have around 1,000 years experience responding to road crashes.

The one message that they want to get across, more than any other is

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  • That is up to drivers to take responsibility for the safety of themselves and their passengers.
  • Police can’t be everywhere at once, or control the actions of every driver 24/7.
  • We can’t be beside you in the car telling you to put your seatbelt on and slow down.
  • Road safety is everyone’s responsibility.

It is also an opportune time to remind passengers not to distract the drivers, the passengers are the extra set of eyes on the road to watch out for risks and hazards.

Road death is preventable, and if we work together we can make a difference.

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