A frosty start to the day didn’t dampen the spirits of pupils competing the last day of a military-style boot camp in Invercargill today. As they towed two army trucks along Dee street.
Year 9 to year 13 Te school pupils took part in the six week Combined Adolescent Challenge Training Unit and Support (Cactus) programme.
Organised and partly funded by the police for young people, it aims to educate them on fitness, teamwork and social issues.
Three days a week for the last six weeks every Monday, Wednesday & Friday the pupils had 6:30am starts to take part in training drills and physical education. Teaching them team building skills.
The pupils were also given motivational talks and guidance on how to deal with problems such as cyber bullying.
Organiser and senior teacher Gary Davis said today was graduation day and was also known as ”the longest day”.
After a quick 6am breakfast the 25 pupils were taken to Oreti beach to start the endurance activities, which included carrying large poles, a 4km run on the beach and a run in the sand dunes.
With the final challenge involved a race between the pupils, who pulled two army trucks along Dee St.
The pupils had been dedicated throughout the programme and learned about discipline and goal setting, Mr Davis said.