Southland Sharks Head Coach Rob Beveridge is recovering from a serious accident which saw him sustain significant injuries during a scheduled trip home to Sydney three weeks ago.

Following the Sharks game against the Otago Nuggets, Beveridge returned home for a family function in Wollongong. One day later he tested positive for Covid-19 and while isolating, later that week he fell six metres from the second story roof of his family home, breaking his scapula (should blade) and six ribs.

Following a twelve-day stint in hospital he is now recuperating at home while a plan for his immediate recovery, including timing of his return to coach the Sharks in Invercargill, is being worked through.

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“I am in a world of pain, but I have come to realise just how lucky I am. I was the talk of the hospital and told continuously during my stay that any fall greater than three metres is often fatal. To have fallen from twice that height and to be here to tell the tale does put things into perspective,” Beveridge said

“My recovery process will be painful and slow, but I am fighting hard to get back to New Zealand as soon as I can and finish what we have started this season,” he said.

Southland Sharks chair Nick Jeffrey said that the organisation and team had rallied around their Head Coach.

“We are just so happy that Bevo escaped without even more serious injuries. He’s got a second chance and it’s certainly put things into context for a lot of us around the organisation. Even through everything he has gone through, his number one priority has been the Sharks, which speaks volumes of the man,” Jeffrey said.

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“I can’t speak highly enough of how (Interim Head Coach) Leyton (Haddleton), Wheels (senior player Andrew Wheeler), our outstanding management team and the playing group have all rallied over these past few weeks.”

“Just like Coach Bevo, we are focused on getting him back here as soon as he is able and in between times we know we have a group that is set on getting something started this weekend and having a say over the second half of the season,” Jeffrey said.

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Beveridge is also focused on doing what he can to help Haddleton and the team prepare for Sunday’s clash with the Manawatu Jets at ILT Stadium Southland.

“I am continuing to work behind the scenes to help as much as I can, and I know our team is putting in the extra effort to be the best they can be. My message to them and to you as our wonderful Sharks Family is to enjoy every moment because you never know what’s around the corner,” Beveridge said.

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