Southland celebrates Heritage Month during March and as part of those celebrations the Thornbury Vintage Tractor & Implement Club’s Rural Haritage Centre in Thornbury will be open to the public on both Saturday and Sunday throughout the month.

The centre houses the recently opened and highly acclaimed Southland Farming History exhibit as well as a treasure trove of our rural history with displays of machinery, trucks, farm machinery, implements and plenty more items that build a picture of the development of farming in Southland.

The Steam Shed contains one of the great jewels in the facility, a 118hp superheated Garrett Steam Engine of which there are only three remaining in the world and this one is the only one that is still operational. As a special feature of the final weekend of Heritage Month it will be operating for all to see.

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Starting this weekend, 2/3 March, and for the remaining weekends of the month the centre in Thornbury will be open on both Saturday and Sunday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Admission will be just $10 per adult while under 16’s are free.

Thereafter the facility will be open on Sunday’s and Public Holiday’s from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.

While the new exhibit of our farming history is the latest attraction at the centre the open days during the month will also give the opportunity to enjoy everything that the club’s facility has to offer.

The Rural Heritage Centre which is operated by the Thornbury Vintage Tractor & Implement Club is signposted on State Highway 99 prior to the appropriate turn off onto the Thornbury-Waimatuku Road to reach the Thornbury township.

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