What a ghastly way to wind up April. A tragedy beyond comprehension, the shooting that saw a mother dead and at least three families decimated.

What can we say? We can say that some of the reportage was dreadful.

And we at whatsoninvers let ourselves down on the night of with our request for pics from the scene. Rightly, you gave us a spanking. However we were not after gory ghoulish pics but just a scene set, a pic of a Police car on the corner, that sort of thing. Having said that, a cameraman was on the scene filming the whole thing.

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Little did we know at the time that it would all blow up into something so dreadful.

Anyway, it was certainly good to hear of very good numbers turning up at ANZAC Day commemorations around the south, especially younger attendees. It’s vital that we maintain these important links to our past, It’s part of who we are.

Which in a way brings me on to the next topic. There is a story out about Southland being chosen as being a centre for refugees from other country’s. Already one or two have shown their true colours with some comments.

For the most part, people from far off lands bring some much needed colour and a vibrancy to Invers.

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Let’s hope that the new $40m inner city hotel also brings some colour and vibrancy to Invers. We note that the ILT are asking for comments from locals about what they would like to see in the new facility. So don’t be shy about putting your ideas forward.

Did you catch Mike’s video of the demolition of the old Invers library come Cash Converters building on Don St? Spectular ! Thanks to the team from Ryal Bush Transport for allowing us to get the money shot.

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This shows that wheels are starting to turn with the inner city rejuvenation.

What a great idea having a weekend festival of Netball and Basketball in Invers ….great stuff!!!

That was a bolt from the blue, Darren Ludlow suddenly pulling stumps on the deputy mayoralty gig. The big question now is who on the current city council will will fill that important role. Who is your pic out of the current councillors to be number 2 to the number 1 Tim?

That’s us for now, keep warm and look out for each other.

BTW if you have a news story or that you think we should be on to please let us know…email news@whatsoninvers.nz


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