Clutha-Southland MP Hamish Walker has today launched a petition to save the Gore and Winton Racecourses.

“Recently the Government released the Messara report which recommends the closure of both the Gore and Winton Racecourses, with the races being transferred to Invercargill, which makes no sense,” Mr Walker says.

“Other community organisations, such as the local A & P shows, racing clubs and rural groups use these two courses. It will gut the region losing these two rural tracks, and deter the next generation of trainers, breeders and horse enthusiasts.”

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“Earlier this month, I met with Gore and Winton Racecourse stakeholders who are upset and concerned about the future of their courses. Generations have invested a huge amount of time, money and effort into these courses, making them what they are today. They are all incredibly proud of their courses, and to lose them would be a real tragedy.”

“To save Gore and Winton Racecourses we need your help. Without a strong public campaign, the two tracks will be closed and two communities will lose two vital assets.”

“I’m calling on all of Southland to get behind these two racecourses and sign the petition to save them.”

The Save Southland’s Racetracks petition can be signed online here

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