Police have announced they will not press charges following a shoplifting allegation involving former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman. The incident occurred at Pak’nSave Royal Oak on 12 October 2024 and was initially reported electronically via the Auror platform, a system used to manage retail crime reports.

Seems Greens MP's are above the law! Have Police now set a precedent?

After conducting inquiries, police concluded that the case did not meet the public interest threshold for prosecution, despite confirming the item involved was valued at less than $40. Officials also stated that their decision adhered to the solicitor-general’s Guidelines for Prosecution, which take evidential sufficiency and public interest into account.

In reaching this outcome, police consulted with the store, which agreed with the decision. A spokesperson for Foodstuffs, the company operating Pak’nSave, emphasised that decisions regarding prosecution are ultimately up to law enforcement and that the company respects those outcomes.

Ghahraman expressed relief over the resolution of the case, stating she is ready to move on.

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