Hundreds of sick people in Southland give up waiting in emergency departments and leave without treatment every month, National’s MP for Invercargill Penny Simmonds says.

“Data revealed to National shows that 313 people in Southland left the ED without being seen or treated during the month of May 2022.

“These numbers have been in the hundreds every month as far back as June 2021. Since then, more than 4,500 people in total have left Southland emergency departments without treatment.

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“This is extremely concerning data. I fear it’s only a matter of time until there is a repeat of the harrowing story of a patient who died after leaving Middlemore Emergency Department due to the long wait times.

“Health Minister Andrew Little confirmed last week that 540 people waited longer than 24 hours in EDs across the country in June this year. When people are forced to wait that long, they give up and go home.

“Short-staffed doctors and nurses are doing their best but are feeling the pressure and many are making plans to leave. National has been calling on the Government to put nurses on the straight to residency pathway but Minister Little refuses to help and continues to deny there is even a crisis.

“Labour is wasting billions of health funding on bureaucrats and centralisation while frontline health workers are struggling and New Zealanders are being denied the health care they need.

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“While Minister Little fantasises about Shortland Street, the health sector is becoming overwhelmed – from general practice to hospital emergency rooms. Action must be taken before more tragedy ensues.”

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