The general practice, which began the HCH programme in July, has started brief morning meetings to help get all staff together to plan and prioritise for the day.

Elsewhere called ‘huddles’ or ‘standups’, the IMC team’s five to seven minute daily hui underscore inclusivity and their collaborative approach to patient care.

Staff and clinicians meet in two groups – Mahi Tahi, meaning ‘work together’, and Noho Tahi, meaning ‘stay together’ – and begin each meeting with a karakia.

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“The hui are quick and efficient, so teams get on the same page,” says clinical nurse director Toni Day.

A regular agenda item for the hui is improving patient portal uptake among their 13,000 enrolled patients. These secure, online records let patients see lab results, order repeat scripts, make appointments and more.

“Portals help patients be more involved in their own care. If staff understand the benefits, they can help patients who want to be signed up,” Toni says.

Health Care Home is an initiative supported by Southern DHB and WellSouth primary health network that aims to increase capacity and capability in primary care.

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