On Saturday the Invercargill City Council’s Matariki Festival market day on Esk Street Mall was a huge success with hundreds of shoppers and food-lovers heading to town to enjoy the city centre family outing.

Esk Street Mall was closed to traffic for the day, where a large marquee was set up for craft and shop stalls, along with a good variety of food stalls at the Kelvin Street end.

Southern Fare manager Keith Page said the festival was great and thanked Kari Graber [Invercargill City Council centre city co-ordinator] and helpers for putting together a great event.

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“It was fantastic to see so many people out enjoying the event and all its offerings. As a stallholder we had great fun, even while being busy – we look forward to similar events,” Mr Page said.

Goody Two Shoes co-owner/operator Jan Blee said Saturday was “amazing” for Esk St and the Matariki Festival.

“The town was buzzing with families enjoying the music, food, stalls and activities. I’ve never seen so many happy faces for ages. People didn’t even seem to mind the cold,” she said.

“We need to build on this now that we know it can be successful, maybe Christmas time?
Well done to Kari [Graber] and her team of helpers.”

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Classic Motorcycle Mecca Tourism operation manager Hannah Whyte said the Tay St venue was very busy during the weekend with the “buy one get one free” general entry promotion.

“We had hundreds through during the weekend, it was great to have so many locals and especially families out enjoying themselves. It’s so great having events like the Matariki Festival in the city centre,” she said

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Kari Graber said she was “blown away” with the turnout from the Invercargill community.

“So great to see so many people in town. Lots of families and feedback has been incredible.”

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