The Taxpayers Union was blown away by the support they received in Southland, where it was evident the community feels strongly about protecting local democracy.

The ‘Hands Off Our Homes’ roadshow just finished touring the South Island and is making its way north, but teamed up with Federated Farmers for both of its Gore and Invercargill events.

Federated Farmers national board member Mark Cooper told the Invercargill meeting that the new RMA  reforms were meant to drastically reduce the number of resource consents, but he doesn’t see that happening.

The organisation has been calling for reform for a long time and the Environment Select Committee will report to Parliament on June 27 about the next stage.

Invercargill Mayor Nobby Clark, city councillor Barry Stewart and Chris Herud – Oreti Community Board Member spoke at the meeting, of about 300 people.

Five elected members signed the ‘Community Leaders’ Appeal’ which reads: “We call on the Prime Minister to protect local democracy and scrap the Government’s proposed replacement to the Resource Management Act”. Mayor Clark, Cr Stewart, Cr Ian Pottinger, and Herud along with Oreti Community Board member David Diak all signed it.

Callum Purves, the campaign manager at the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union said the particularly strong turnout in Invercargill showcased the community’s opposition to the reforms, “where we saw hundreds of residents voice their concerns and engage directly with their elected representatives.”

“It was clear that Southland residents are very aware of the need for reform, but they equally know that the Government’s proposed replacement will only make things worse.

He said they have already managed to gather a huge amount of support from the South Island leg, “and as we work our way up North, we hope to gain further momentum and continue to build opposition to these costly reforms.”

The Taxpayers Union believes there has been very little coverage of the RMA proposals – the submission period for the 891 pages of complex legislation was opened just before Christmas and closed on Waitangi weekend.

“It is clear Minister Parker wants to keep these reforms out of the public eye, we believe it is vital that New Zealanders know what is happening to local democracy.”

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