A  series of online learning modules has been developed to help people better understand the Building Code and how it works, says Dave Robson, Manager of Building Performance and Engineering at MBIE.

“The Government has just made it easier for homeowners to do a number of low-risk DIY jobs without the need for building consent, as long as the work meets the requirements of the Building Code.

“We know there’s a lot of keen DIY’ers who can’t wait to get stuck into a new project now that it’s more affordable, but they may find it a bit scary or confusing to work with the Building Code, since they don’t use it in their day to day work,” Dave explains.

“These new modules will break down the Building Code and make it easier to understand how to work with it. They’re only a few minutes long, easy to understand, and there’s an assessment at the end to test you on what you’ve learned,” Dave says.

“The modules aren’t just for DIY’ers, though, they’re also a great refresher for builders, engineers, subcontractors and others who use the Building Code regularly, but want to make sure their knowledge is still up to date.”

“Our goal is to make sure everything that’s being built from large commercial buildings to a sleep-out in the garden is safe, healthy and durable for everyone. One of the ways we can do this is by making sure everyone understands and follows building laws,” says Dave.

The modules are broken into sections focusing on The Building Code, Building Performance Requirements and Building Consent Compliance. Users can either complete all of the modules, or just choose those of interest.

Users can either create an account, or simply log-in as a guest.

The modules can be accessed at learning.building.govt.nz, under the Courses and Events section.

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