Christmas came early this year, with the 20-year reunion of Invercargill rock royalty, Grogan at the Southland Musicians Club on Saturday.

First were opening acts.

The Dense cracked through their set with 70s-era Buzzcocks aplomb, musical prowess, and the occasional flying drumstick.

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The way these guys can effortlessly merge a bluesy funk groove into a surfy waltz shows a maturity for tone and dynamics far beyond their years.

That and their songs are so damn catchy– “Last Night” the lyrically playful (and possibly true?) story of a boastful drummer is still stuck in my head.

Next on stage was Murgatroyd, Invercargill’s finest purveyors of atmospheric spirits.

Not content to play to a few dozen souls in the club, the diabolical duo crashed mid-song through the fire exit and commanded the tardy smokers inside.

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The sheepishly smiling masses were then rewarded with a performance of textural guitars and powerfully anguished vocals – all wrapped up with an energetic and darkly humorous stage show.

As the headliners prepared to take the stage, the crowd reflected on hazy memories of watching Grogan back in the good old days, many wondering how they might sound after such a long hiatus.

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There was no need to worry.

From the first chords to the last, watching Grogan was a blast. A few grey hairs didn’t dampen their energy or mask the sheer joy of playing together again. The Grogan fans (Grogan-ians?) danced, nodded, and lurched around enthusiastically to familiar original tunes mixed in with a sprinkling of covers.

It’s hard to pinpoint a single highlight, but “Speedy” sounded phenomenal, and Nirvana’s Aneurysm – featuring special guest vocals (and beer-wine mixers) from Murgatroyd – cemented the good times.

Before we knew it an hour filled with laughs, nostalgia, and on-stage banter flashed by in a minute, and musical magicians Grogan disappeared in a cloud of smoke, prophesying a return in another 20 years.

You know what Grogan? We’re okay with much sooner.

Story & photos Element Photography NZ

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