Christmas arrived a few days early at the Gore District Council with confirmation of $ 2.29 million in Government funding for local projects.

The Department of Internal Affairs has accepted all six projects proposed by the Council earlier this year for the first tranche of funding from the 3 Waters Reform Better Off Funding scheme.

Chief executive Stephen Parry said the Council was delighted to get approval for such a broad range of projects and in line with the previous Council’s resolution.

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“These projects represent an exciting, geographically diverse package. They all contribute to our community’s wellbeing and embody our Rural City Living philosophy.”

The package ranges from advanced developments, such as the Māruawai Centre, to innovative concepts, like the Mataura Medical Hub, Mr Parry said.

The projects are:

Māruawai Centre Stage Two – $1.2m

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The redeveloped premises in Norfolk Street will house several visitor experiences and facilities under one roof.

The major component will incorporate He Hikoi a Te Awaawa Mataura – A Journey Through the Mataura River Valley and will explore the area’s earliest history. This visitor attraction will be based on an intensive research programme in partnership with Hokonui Rūnanga and the many collections and research projects of the Gore District Historical Society.

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Featured storylines will also include the District’sfarming history, Fleming’s Sgt Dan and the acclimatisation of brown trout.

Facilities will include a new Gore Visitor Centre, a relocated Hokonui Heritage Research Centre, and temporary exhibition spaces for themed historical, promotional and arts presentations.

A precinct workshop and a micro-brewery will be at the rear of the building to service the Hokonui Moonshine Museum and other neighbouring facilities.

Restoration of the Waikaka Valley/Willowbank Windmill – $150,000

This 1908 windmill has a New Zealand Historic Places Trust Category 1 listing. The project involves fully restoring the main structure and platform and refurbishing the water tank. The local community has been fundraising, and the grant will enable the project to be completed.

New Gore Library artwork – $50,000

This funding will go towards the creation and installation of Māori artwork with cultural and local significance on internal glass walls.

Tulloch Park redevelopment – $500,000

This funding is for Stage two of the destinational recreational attractions at Mataura’s Tulloch Park developed in the wake of the Mataura swimming pool closure.

Mataura Medical Hub – $180,000

This is a joint project between the Council and Mataura Community Board. It will have a high level of health sector and broader community involvement to create a medical hub in the former office of the Alliance Group’s Mataura meatworks.

Hamilton Park cycling and pedestrian safety – $200,000

This project will provide a safe crossing on Railway Esplanade (SH1) and into Hamilton Park for the many people who use this popular reserve and its many amenities, such as the dog park and cycle trails.

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