A whole day of goodness is happening at the Wallacetown Community Centre this Saturday.

‘Spring Into Wellbeing Expo’ is being organised by Katie Oliver and Kate Watkinson, who have brought together many natural health practitioners to offer their expertise, products and services.

The expo provides a platform for a range of holistic experts to share their wisdom on the different modalities of healing.

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There will be workshops and demonstrations in the Weaving Wisdom Room, The Soul Tent, The Peace Talks Tent, and at The Ferment Kitchen.

A mixture of free and ticketed events include a fermenting food workshop, along with half hour ‘tasters’ incorporating movement and nutrition, as well as talks with practitioners looking at all parts of our health.

Zumba, Qigong and sound healing are some of the free half hour sessions being offered during the day, and tickets are still available for the 11:30-12:30pm ‘Inspiring 10 minute Talks’ for Your Thriving Mind, Body & Soul.

Included in this session is a talk on optimising your immunity with Naturopath Leisa Cournane, and learning about medicine from your garden, with Dr Sophie Febery.

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Kate said following the expo, there will be an evening celebration of music, dancing and food, and a chance to party,” after a busy day, from 6pm to 9pm.

For more information check out the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/768479397758422/permalink/815261369746891,

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and for tickets to events;


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