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MACPHERSON, Athole Helen:
Peacefully on Monday 14 December 2020, in the loving care of Cargill Resthome; one day short of her 95th birthday. Dearly loved daughter of James* and Isabella*, loved younger sister of Arch*, Ivan*, and Isabel*, loved aunt of Athole McNaughton, and Airdrie and Doug Cooper, great aunt of Diane*, Jacqueline, Scott, Helen, Alice and their families.
“Truly one of a kind”
A service to celebrate Athole’s life will be held in the Lindisfarne Methodist Church, 22 Lindisfarne Street Invercargill, on Friday 18 December at 2.00pm, private cremation to follow. Messages to 202 John Street Invercargill 9812.

MACPHERSON, Athole Helen:
Died peacefully on Monday, December 14, 2020, the day before her 95th birthday. Last surviving child of James and Belle Macpherson, very special, beloved and respected family elder, small in stature, very significant to us all. Loyal and loving aunt and great-aunt of James Malcolm Macpherson, of Alexandra, Margaret Lee of Donegal, Rosslyn Read of Wanaka, and their families. She will be missed by Amy, James and Marisa Macpherson, Virginia Ihuarula, Thomas Lee, Catherine Hamilton, Gary Read and Scott Read. A reliable and caring correspondent with young family members around the world to the end. Our thanks to the staff at Cargill House for their care. Athole was very content at Cargill House.
In Memoriam
HAMLIN, Rodger David:
1 year today, much loved and sadly missed husband, father and pop of Lynette and family.
Love starts with a smile,
Grows with a kiss and
Ends in tears.
15.11.1979 – 17.12.1999
“Our beautiful boy”
Loved with a love beyond all telling,
Missed with a grief beyond all tears . . .
The absence grows longer.
– Shari, Brett, and Jo.