A massive youth festival for 10 to 18-year olds will be held in Bluff this week, in response to the many community tragedies this year.
Organiser Sumaria Beaton said the community is grieving and needs some respite, and she has managed to round up 140 volunteers that are willing to offer their services for free.
Free buses have also been provided and will collect teenagers from all over Southland to come and be part of Rangatahi Zone from October 5 to 8.
Tiktok superstars and NZ content creators Uncle Tics, and Georgia Awatea Jerry-Jones are also part of the festival, that is being led by the Tuurama Trust.
“Our Rangatahi will have access to spiritual healing to contribute to their wellness. This can help towards addressing the grief and loss within the rangatahi” Serena Lyders, Whānau Consultancy Services owner and board member of Tuurama Trust.
We are pleased to have many funders on board including Tuurama Trust, Invercargill City Council, Well South, Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu, Te Rourou Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation, NZAS, ILT Foundation, Active Southland Tu Manawa Fund, South Port NZ, and Te Puni Kokiri.
Southland Rangatahi aged 10-18 will have the opportunity to try a myriad of different activities for free, from axe throwing and gaming to poi making.
Corporates understanding the importance of mental health and well-being in our vulnerable youth have jumped on to support the initiative too, Samaria said.
Spark has extended its latest 5G roadshow to bring the SPARK STREET MUSEUM: a co-created series of 5G-powered augmented reality (AR) experiences with iconic creatives Including Parris Goebel, Benee, David Dallas, TEEKS and Askew One, thanks to Te Putahitanga for leading this activity.
Held at the Te Rau Aroha Marae, the Bluff School and the Oyster Shed, there will also be plenty of free kai available, as well as a chance for rangatahi to make their own.
An additional 60 other local organisations are also donating staffing, equipment, resources, food and activities.
“Our local Bluff Kaumatua will also contribute their time connecting with our rangatahi, all alongside an army of almost 140 people who will ensure all activities are running daily.”
For more information look up rangatahizone.org