At this week’s Strategy and Policy Committee, councillors approved the formation of a Climate Change Sub-committee to help drive Environment Southland’s action on climate change.

The sub-committee, which will meet once every two months, will consist of six councillors as well as a mana whenua representative and will report to the Strategy and Policy Committee on its progress.

Newly appointed chair of the sub-committee, Councillor Lyndal Ludlow said, “Environment Southland is a regional leader on climate change action and this new committee will be focused on tackling the challenges we all face.”

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“By having a defined group and space for these issues to take priority, we are demonstrating our commitment to making a difference in our business and doing the same for Southland.”

One of the first jobs for the newly formed sub-committee will be preparation for the upcoming regional hui on climate change that will be taking place in June and will bring Southland councillors, iwi and other local community organisations together to talk about climate change and the opportunities and challenges that Southland is facing.

“I look forward to working with councillors and those from Southland’s communities on an issue that affects and touches every part of our lives.”

During the past two years, the Council has progressed its own Climate Change Action Plan. “Our next steps will ensure that everything we do has a climate change lens over it,” Councillor Ludlow said.

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